Game Completion Tracker


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News in 2022

Project History And Goals

Ending the Fall Quarter of 2019 on UCI’s campus, Brandon Nguyen approached Dr. Hughes with an idea for developing a Virtual Reality (VR) game geared towards conveying biological concepts in an entertaining and interactive manner. The idea received support from Dr. Hughes who allowed a team of undergraduate students to form and explore the idea. In a quick fashion, Mr. Nguyen proceeded to put together a cohesive early team that all demonstrated interest in this new idea of the intersection between games and education. Dr. Hughes, impressed with the vision and passion demonstrated, allowed the project to be run with minimal intervention. 

The idea sounds simple but has proven to require expertise, innovation, and creativity that exists solely because of the interdisciplinary nature of the team. Developing a VR game in any sense is complex, but doing so with minimal resources and with the majority of the team juggling full course schedules has given rise to a team of renowned talent. However, having a game developed by current and recent undergraduates, this has given way to interesting perspectives, with the team members understanding which concepts are worth covering for students. This background guides most of the concepts determined to be covered in-game, with emphasis on teaching the core principles in a unique and gamified manner that still makes the experience enjoyable. 

Looking forward, the project has gained a firm footing in workflow, team cohesion and creative development over the course of its initial year. The game has an initial deadline date of Spring 2022, and we hope to have several levels and a comprehensive demo playable by then. The future of the game at this moment would be reassessed and the feasibility of licensing and distribution explored. Along the way, however, playtesting and professor consulting will be conducted with the goal of a releasable project in mind. 

Our Timeline

December - 2019


  • Patient Zero conceptualized by Brandon Nguyen with the support of Dr. Brad Hughes

February - 2020

Departments & Roadmap Established

  • The project grew in scope and took form as talents were recruited to lead game development efforts

June - 2020

Level 1 Skeleton Finished

  • The design, games and concepts for the demo were finished. Programming and adjustments to come with playtesting
August - 2020

More Talent Recruitment

  • As the project furthered, producers began outreach to other schools and alumni to bring in artists, programmers, and audio developers to further efforts

December - 2020

Additional Level Skeleton Finished

  • The design, games and concepts for level 1 were finished. Programming and adjustments to come with playtesting
October - 2021

Level 1 Polishing Begins

  • Project will aim to finish and have fully playable, polished versions of level 1 complete before the end of the academic year

April - 2022

Level 1 Playtest

  • Research and conduct active playtesting for the current level to ensure quality product began the iterative design process
June - 2022

Final Demo Production

  • Wrap up the development and initiate marketing pitches. Connecting all game scenes and making final implementations

Recruitment for 3D-Art and Programming Ongoing!

Recruitment is currently ongoing for people with skills in programming within Unity and interest in VR game development. 3D-Art is also recruiting members who have experience in 3D modeling. If interested in either of these departments please fill out the form located...

Looking Ahead to Spring 2021

Spring Quarter 2021 will see the development of our first game Trailer! On top of this Playtesting will begin with volunteers and Level 3 Design will move forward. And beyond these goals, the development of a Demo demonstrating main game mechanics will begin...

Winter 2021 Closing Updates

As the Winter Quarter comes to a close both Level 1 and Level 2 are finishing development and polishing and will be fully completed within the next few weeks. Thank you to all project members who have worked hard this quarter to keep us on track for development goals!

Winter 2021 Plans

As the quarter begins we are beginning our playtest work and developing the basis for level 2 which will be amped up significantly compared to previous work. Level 1 and Demo completion is slated for Spring 2021 while research and design of level 2 should also be...

Level 2 Updates

Level 2 has been decided to examine a parasite as the pathogen of study. New environments and entering a patient for the cellular and microbiological study will be the main mechanisms of focus. The design and research for this level will begin, but with no start on...

Fall 2020 (Level 1) Updates

Ending 2020 the core of level 1 has been completed presenting our first virus level. This means we have completed the research and design segments for both the demo and level 1 with polishing and programming as the final segments followed/coinciding with playtesting....

Concept Art

Reach Us

If interested in applying, play-testing or offering suggestions please email head producers Ellie Bui & Damani Fields. 

University of California Irvine

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